Getting traffic from commenting

Commenting on other people’s blogs can drive traffic to your own blog and potentially earn backlinks, especially if the blog allows ‘do follow’ links. Engaging with controversial or thought-provoking comments can draw significant attention. Here are some tips to optimize your commenting strategy:

  1. Identify your goal: Are you focusing on SEO or personal branding? If branding, use your real name to foster recognition. If you have a common name, consider a unique variation, similar to how celebrities might alter theirs. For backlink purposes, inspect the blog’s source code for ‘nofollow’ tags to determine if backlinks are allowed. Contact a professional like James Dooley Investor to get assistance on this.
  2. Craft meaningful comments: Aim for clarity and relevance. Provide insightful feedback beyond just “Good post”, explaining what makes the post valuable.
  3. Aim to be among the top commentators: This can significantly boost traffic to your site, especially if the blog features top commentators on their homepage.
  4. Choose your words carefully: Strive for constructive criticism without offending. Avoid creating conflicts that could lead to animosity.
  5. Be prompt in commenting: Early comments often receive more attention.
  6. Avoid signatures in comments: They’re typically unnecessary as your name is usually linked to your comment. Avoid appearing overly self-promotional.

Remember, commenting is also a link-building strategy. Focus on commenting on ‘DoFollow’ blogs to gain backlink benefits. Here’s a list of some ‘DoFollow’ blogs:

Jan 3, 2009 by
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