Caroline Middlebrook’s money-making niche

Caroline Middlebrook writes an excellent ebook on using WordPress to make money-making niche. This Ebook is mainly for beginners to use the WordPress platform to setup static websites. The sites are small static (using pages and not posts) websites that are optimised towards a particular subject and then monetized using AdSense and affiliate links. It explains about setting WordPress with Fantastico, setting your WordPress, installing theme, plugin, and setting your blog’s link structure. Although the ebook is mainly for beginner, but as an intermediate or advance people it still gives us some knowledge, like tips on creating static pages.

To set a static pages, look at the options on the right of the screen, and drop down the one labelled Discussion. Disabled Allow Comments and Allow Pings. She said that this is done to ensure that nobody can spam your pages. If somebody posts a load of crap in the comments then it will dilute the message of your page.

Find out more here.

Oct 30, 2008 by
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